

Why: The purpose of a Forsus appliance is to improve “overjet.” (Overjet is when the upper front teeth are too far ahead of the lower front teeth. Many people also think of this as “overbite.”) An overbite is when the upper teeth cover the lower teeth when you bite down to a greater degree than normal. If it is not fixed, teeth may grind down and cause painful jaw problems down the road. The Forsus appliance is made up of a spring that is attached to the upper molar bands and a rod that is connected to your lower wire. These springs work to move your jaw into the ideal bite position. Forsus is a discrete alternative to traditional headgear. It works in combination with your braces to slowly align your teeth and jaw at the same time.

What to Expect: You may feel some discomfort while your mouth adjusts, but you should not have problems eating or speaking after the initial period of adjustment. Over time, your jaw will move into the correct position, and you will “learn” to bite properly. The Forsus is also easy to clean! Your brushing and flossing routine will remain relatively the same. There is no need to get any special brushing equipment to brush with the Forsus. This device is sturdy and durable. However, patients may experience one of the springs popping out of place. If the spring pops out, simply open your mouth wide (like you’re yawning) and reconnect the appliance.

How Long: Your Forsus appliance will not be part of your entire orthodontic treatment. You can expect it to be in for about 4-8 months in the middle of treatment.